
We were planning to go to Transylvania last week for four days but the tour company canceled last minute due to some illnesses (maybe they wanted to watch the olympics?...)  So the Transylvania trip has been postponed for several weeks but Agi and I and her mom had already taken vacation time so we booked a last-minute trip to a very nice town called Eger, about an hour and a half from Budapest.  As a bonus, we took Agi's grandmother along and she really enjoyed her time too.

Agi and I hadn't been to Eger before and it is really a beautiful city.  It's known for it's dark red wine "Egri Bikaver" and its huge castle overlooking the city where there was an epic, bloody battle with the Turks 400 years ago.  We stayed at a pretty nice spa/hotel for three nights after discovering their "buy 2 nights get one free" promotion.  We played tennis and swam a lot and I also tried something for the first time: a massage.

I've always thought massages were for rich middle aged women but after (i) reading Shogun and hearing how Anjin-san got massages daily and how it improved his health and  (ii) hearing how Michael Phelps got 2 a day during they olympics, I went for it.  It was refreshing and invigorating and inspired me with a great idea: I've proposed to Agi that we get a portable massage table and alternate while listening to books on cd.  I think it's an excellent idea.

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ImpactErick Widmaneger, travel