
- I've probably been spending too much time absorbing all kinds of info and commentary on the US presidential race.  It's a very historical, exciting time though.  I am only more impressed with Obama, his message and ideas and the way he has conducted his campaign.  McCain, however, initially disappointed me with his lame attack ads featuring Britney and Paris.  And now Agi and I both are in shock and awe over his selection of the very nice and intelligent Sarah Palin--a person completely unqualified to take over in the event of McCain's death.  Putin or Ahmadinijad vs Palin?...

- I'm two-thirds of the way through Rob Roy and I'm liking it.  I hit some rough patches with it though when Scott introduced characters that speak a distinct Scottish vernacular which--although probably funny to English people 200 years ago--I don't understand at all.

- We've made very satisfying progress with our websites and the future is bright.

- We're heading to Transylvania this Thursday morning for four days with the bus tour that was postponed earlier.

- We return to Portland this September 17 and are looking forward to celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary probably in the Oregon wine country.

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