Twice as Old

A few days ago we watched some old family videos with my parents.  In one that stood out, there I was at seventeen, a senior in high school, dressed up in a tux.  I was with about four other friends and we all had dates and were taking pictures at my friend Greg's house before leaving for the Winter Ball.

What stood out for me in that video was that I was seventeen then and now I'm exactly twice as old, almost to the month.  Ivy and I discussed how people do and don't change over time on a nice long walk the other day.  And it was interesting to think about how I have changed now that my life has been filled up with twice as many hours and experiences as I had before near the end! of high school.  We also talked about how it's great not having to speculate about "who am I going to marry" and "what am I going to do with my life" any more.  I believe getting older has allowed us to focus more on savoring the present.

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