
"Praha" is what the Czech people call their beautiful capital city and English-speakers call Prague.  Agi and I seized the moment and went there for a long weekend and had a fabulous time.

Instead of the train, we took a private "luxury bus" that was filled mostly with students and it is definitely the way to go.  It cost only $40 each way and we were served cappuccinos, they showed two movies and the bus had nice, new leather seats.  Capitalism has firmly taken hold here in Central-Eastern Europe.  Another bonus is that we were able to read no problem and I'm getting close to finishing Obama's "Audacity of Hope."  The bus left at 6am Friday morning but that allowed us to arrive by 1.30 in the afternoon.

Agi and I had both been to Prague before and this city never disappoints.  We each must have said at least five times throughout the weekend: "This is the most beautiful city in the world" and we meant it.  We spent most of our time walking around, hiking up to the castle, going to museums (Alfonse Mucha and Franz Kafka) and being shocked at how little our dollars are worth these days after being converted into Euro-money.  We also went to an organ concert at St Giles cathedral and enjoyed the acoustics quite a bit.

On late Friday afternoon while Agi was working diligently away on her laptop using the wifi at a cafe I went out for just about an hour by myself.  I took the camera and walked across Charles Bridge while dusk was setting in.  The atmosphere really was magical in a "fairy-tale" kind of way and I'm glad a few of the pictures I took captured some of this.

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