Ivanhoe & Tournament of Knights

I'm about halfway through Sir Walter Scott's "Ivanhoe."  It is excellent--exciting, brilliantly written and very funny.  What I'm discovering is that books or movies that have been dubbed "classics" usually deserve the title.  Oftentimes you have to work harder to get the rewards, but it makes them more satisfying as well.

Tying in very well to my reading was a trip that Agi, her Mom and I took to a town in southwestern Hungary that featured a medieval fortess on a hill.  Below the fort, we attended a show put on by various performers dressed as knights who displayed horsemanship, swordsmanship, lancemanship?... and were a lot of fun to watch.  I believe similar shows exist in the US (e.g. at the Excalibar in Las Vegas).  We had a great time and here's a few pictures and videos.


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