Seattle, Washington

I had an excellent experience this afternoon taking a "Bolt Bus" up from Portland to Seattle for an immigration lawyers conference. This bus had wifi, outlets for every passenger, leather seats and a bunch of nice people onboard. Plus, it was only about $20 each way. The experience was excellent and I was able to get work done and wasn't as tired if I had driven myself up. In fact, it was much more enjoyable than flying (no security lines) and faster than the train. Our conference is being held at the Seattle University School of Law. I was able to walk around the campus on my way to dinner and it's a beautiful place. I think the architecture of this university is phenomenal - lots of glass and brick and there was a funky modern chapel (it's a Jesuit school) next to a big pool of peaceful water.

The school is set in an urban area - called Capitol Hill and I was able to choose from several inviting restaurants: "Von Traps" German sausage place, an Irish pub and a French-influenced cafe/bar called "Cafe Presse." This cafe has rave reviews online for both food and its authentic French vibe, such as "this is probably the closest thing to a Parisian street cafe in Seattle." I got myself an excellent Croque Madame and a beer.

Rather than read, watch tv or do work here in my hotel room, I decided to memorialize my experience here. Traveling solo certainly inspires a desire to observe and record.

AdventureErick Widman