Minimalism & Tiger Woods

I've been fascinated by the Tiger Woods implosion, partly for all the bad reasons, but also because he has a Euro wife as I do and I'm curious if she'll ditch him. What struck me recently is the connection between Tiger Woods' adultery problem and the philosophy underlying minimalism. Tiger was obviously not following the core idea behind minimalism as laid out by none other than Socrates: "The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less." If Tiger is unable to find relational contentment in his beautiful and apparently very nice wife, he's not going to find it in 5, 10 or 25 mistresses. Just like the obese person won't find satisfaction in one piece of cake... I've come to respect the "minimalist" way of seeing life, which fundamentally says "this person or place or thing is wonderful and more than enough for me. I don't need to constantly seek more or different things because in the process of constantly looking around I don't appreciate what's right in front of me." And this certainly applies to me as I constantly scout around to learn the latest trends in technology, the news and cars...