Laurel's Visit

My lovely sister Laurel arrived here on Saturday via Athens.  She and three other friends had a great time visiting some spectacular Greek islands--including "Meteora" which has some amazing monasteries perched on top of humungous cliffs, "Rhodes," which has a fabulous medieval walled city, and then the spectacular volcano island of "Santorini".  Her pictures from all three looked fantastic and Agi and I would love to visit those islands some day.  I think the very end of the Bourne Identity is set on Santorini--with gorgeous blue and white architecture and a brilliant deep blue ocean.

Laurel and Agi just stepped out for yoga class at the nearby "Sportmax" gym and both are glad to get away from the endless loop of Coldplay I have going on in here at home.  This past weekend we took Laurel to the top of the hills overlooking Budapest and went on a great hike there and very relaxing "ski lift" ride down the hill with great views.  We also took her to our favorite outdoor cafe on Margaret Island on Sunday night and Agi took her up to the big castle overlooking the Danube (I stayed home to work, which I definitely need to do!)

But the best part of our time with Laurel is about to begin: we're heading to Salzburg, Austria for three days and plan to hit the beautiful Alps lake regions for some serious hiking.  This is one of the most beautiful areas of the world (so we hear--we've never been there) and we'll be ready to soak it in.

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